✰Vidoza✰ Watch The Breakfast Club

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cast Molly Ringwald
average Ratings 8,3 of 10 stars
Genres Comedy, Drama

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Watch der fr c3 bchst c3 bucks club golf.

Watch der fr c3 bchst c3 bccksclub review.


This is a masterpiece in all aspects,John Hughes is simply put a genius. All The Characters wonderful and you can relate to all of them, and i thought the story was fantastic, plus The cast are all simply amazing in this! s brilliantly written,and each character has there own special talents. Let's see you got the Wrestling Jock, The Prom queen,The trouble maker,the brain and the princess, all very 5 unique characters, all put together on a Saturday in a detention hall, in my opinion that is quite a unique premise, and John Hughes pulls it off perfectly, plus Judd Nelson cracked me up throughout the film, the only thing that bugged me was we never did get to hear the rest of his joke. I found the closet scene quite powerful, as Gleason (Principal Vernon) delivered some harsh words for Judd (John Bender) as it also has some other great emotional moments as well, plus it leaves the viewer thinking a lot after the movie is finished.
What i also liked is how all of the 4 characters constantly made Principal Vernon look like a fool (the toilet paper scene for example. and how they always defied his orders, plus, each character had there own problems, and i really enjoyed hearing the stories all the characters told. My favorite character had to be Bender, he was just simply put hilarious, and while i didn't agree with some of the things he said and did, more often then not he had me cracking up with laughter, and i always wondered if they would remain friends if this were to be a real story, plus i loved the scene when Bender keeps getting more detentions. This is simply put a masterpiece in all aspects John Hughes is a genius, and if you haven't seen it, i demand you go see it right this instant, you won't regret it.
The Direction is wonderful! Hughes does a wonderful job here, with fantastic camera work, and just keeping the film at an extremely fast pace.
The Acting is amazing. Emilio Estevez is fantastic here, yes he is a jock but a very likable one with feelings, and you really care for his character and feel what he is going through, he also had some classic scenes with Judd Nelson, i loved him! Estevez Rules. Judd Nelson is AMAZING here, he is extremely hilarious, and actually very likable in my opinion, while i didn't agree with some of the things he said and did, more often then not he had me cracking up, he also had a really good heart as well, i loved him! Judd Rules. Anthony Michael Hall is excellent here as Brian, he is lovable as the genius, and i loved his lines, plus his speech at the end was awesome! he rocked. Molly Ringwald is awesome as the prom queen, she is beautiful, and had a great personality i liked her lots. Paul Gleason is fantastic as the asshole Principal, while i hated him, he was extremely good at it, he was especially good in the closet scene, and had some powerful lines! Sheedy is wonderful here, i loved her character, and was my 2nd favorite next to Bender's she is also very fascinating and quite beautiful! i loved her. John Kapelos is good as the janitor. Rest of the cast do fine.
Overall if you haven't seen this Do so immediately it's a true classic! John Hughes is a genius. out of 5.


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